





  • 公司类型:

    有限责任公司 (生产商)

  • 经营模式:


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  • 联系人:B(先生/女士)
  • 电话:0532-66732366
Qingdao tentipi outdoor products co.,ltd

A wholly owned Sweden company, established in 2007 Qingdao China.

We are a tent-manufacturing company whose roots are to be found deep in the soil of Lapland and the strong tradition of being close to nature that is manifest up here in northern Sweden. This cultural heritage is something that is evident in all our products.
Ever since the company started up in the spring of 1989, we have felt that our mission is to provide adventurous and fun-loving people with tents and accessories of unique design and quality. Our tents offer safe protection while also being spacious and comfortable. Their circular shape means they naturally create the special atmosphere of well-being and togetherness that arises around a campfire.

The basic design of our Nordic tipis is an inheritance from all the nomadic peoples who from time immemorial have lived in harmony with the elements of nature, using a “kata” for protection and as a home.
Our modernized versions are tents which are suitable for any situation imaginable: from a barbecue party in the garden to the toughest expeditions; from an outdoor classroom to functions for thousands of people. Flexibility is built into the design, so to speak, as is volume, superior ventilation and the possibility of having an open fire or stove inside the tent.

It is not just a question of the tent itself — our Nordic tipis also communicate a lifestyle. It is our mission to continue to meet and preferably surpass modern man’s demands regarding tent equipment. It is also our mission to help to fulfil our need of togetherness, freedom and meaning.
Being able to feel the links to our past and our inheritance, being outdoors in the bosom of nature, confronting the elements — this can give us access to those deeper values in life.

We have invested for the future with our wholly-owned production unit in China.
Here we can implement the quality control which is essential for a product that is striving to be seen as one of the best on the market.
Here we work in close collaboration with a testing institute in order to make sure that our materials are always of the high quality we insist on.
Here we have skilled seamstresses and others who sew and assemble our products.
Here we have set up a rain test room where we can shower the whole tent so that you as a user will not have any unpleasant surprises.
In order to retain the soul in our products, all development and innovation work still takes place in Moskosel. Here we stand firmly on Arctic soil with the bountifulness of Lapland nature around us.

Through our products we are taking the inheritance of our nomadic forefathers into the future and we want to do so in a responsible way. As a business, we want to contribute to sustainable development and we approach this task with the same enthusiasm and pleasure we feel when designing and making high-quality products.
Through our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) efforts, we want to bring our business operations and our social responsibility together to make a harmonious whole. By doing so we are convinced that we are helping to make it possible for the children of the future to also be able to enjoy the diversity and beauty of nature.

Our unique design together with our striving to always have top quality products and services have resulted in innumerable words of praise from our users and rapidly growing interest in our tents.

Welcome to Tentipi!
公司名称: 青岛极地户外用品有限公司 公司类型: 有限责任公司 (生产商)
所 在 地: 山东 / 青岛市 / 城阳区 公司规模: 1-49人
注册资本: 10万美元注册年份: 2007
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 生产商
经营范围: 帐篷,帐篷原材料、附件的设计与制造,帐篷安装、搭建服务,进出口业务(不含进口分销)。 (依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。
家居用品 / 日化用品

